"Serving the needs of the Maritime Aboriginal Hockey communities"...

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Maritime Indian Hockey Association (MIHA)
Board of Governors:

At present, the MIHA Board of Governors that currently decides and recommends any rules changes, suspensions and participates in discussions surrounding the format of the MIHA governing rules is the MIHA Tournament Coordinators.  Some discussions at the table have surrounded the motion to develop an 'arms length' Board of Governors that would be situated at a level where they would receive recommendations and reports from the MIHA Tournament Coordinators and act on and decide upon the recommendations of these MIHA Tournament Coordinators for such things as mentioned above.

Currently, the MIHA Board of Governors does not exist in terms of a formalized body but as our restructuring process occurs within this growing organization, it is recommended that this will be spearheaded by the Provincial Aboriginal Sport Bodies that currently participate in the MIHA.  These include the Nova Scotia Mi'kmaw Sports & Recreation Circle, the New Brunswick Mikmaq-Maliseet Sports & Recreation Circle and the Aboriginal Sports Circle of Prince Edward Island.  Representatives of these Provincial Sport Bodies, along with selected community and advisory representatives will comprise the MIHA Board of Governors.  It's aim will be to accept and adopt as well as act on recommendations from it's grassroots volunteer organizers and coordinators as well as work with teams in communities to make the game of hockey a safe and enjoyable one for our youth and our communities as a whole.

Should you be interested in submitting a letter to the MIHA to submit a name of a grassroots person to possibly sit on our Board of Governors, including your reasons why you would like to nominate this person, please send your letter via email to:

MIHA Board of Governors at:

Thank you for your time!

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